Hello, there!

2 min readDec 5, 2019


Lemme introduce myself in my very-first Medium post. I go by the name of Mandapuspi for all my social media and digital presence. This year I turned to an age that is (arguably) not too old, and also not too young to start literally anything, including the habit of writing. I chose to start writing on Medium as apparently, everyone is on it right now.

I may describe myself from my pretty common hobbies. Like millions and millions of people on this planet, I love spending my pastime by scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV series, and reading good books. Nothing outstanding.

However, I just recently discovered that I might have what is called an abibliophobia. It’s a special term of phobia for those people who fear running out of reading material. Hence, they love hoarding piles of books without ever having “the time” to just sit and read them. Just like me.

Pretending to write something worthy of attention in digital spaces be like..

They say if you love to read, you will love to write. Wait, did anyone actually say that? I’m pretty sure I heard it from somewhere. Well, I guess the saying is true because I love to write anything that sparks a strong interest in me. It can be literally anything, from my thoughts on movies and books I have devoured, my short trips (they were always short), to my journey in running and marathons and whatnot. I am interested in too many things is all I can say.

I know, I know, you all have a life, and nobody would want to spend their precious time reading my pointless thoughts or purposeless reviews on this Medium.

But it is not about you, my dear respected readers. It’s about me, and my decision to write more and more and more, so my thoughts would leave mark in my life, or otherwise unsaid.

Rumblings aside, I hope anyone who reads this post will have a good day. It is not lip service. I literally wish you all a good day. I am of the opinion that wishing someone a good day is like saying to yourself to have a good day. Good vibes resonate. They always do.

